

Which part surprised you the most?
I surprised about ornaments for Christmas trees.
Because, they decorate foods on Christmas trees.
I've never seen such trees in Japan. I feel anew Japan is humid!!
But, I want to try to decorate foods on Christmas trees♪”

What kind of Danish food do you want to try?
I want to try to eat "open sandwiches"!!
I think it's OPEN as its name suggests.
It's also interesting because they use not normal breads, but rye breads.
Anyway, I LOVE sandwiches very much!!!
So, I really want to try to eat them!!

1.Do you think it is important to talk about superstitions in cross culture communication class? Why?
Yes, I do.
I think we can compare each countries' culture.
Because, superstitions express their sense of values, I think.

2.Is communication affected by superstitions?
Yes, it's.
Because, Japanese people believe judgement of someone's character by blood types.
I think most of Japanese think of them when we talk with someone.
Also, we may change attitudes by their blood types.
I'm a one of them...
This Example may not be superstition, but I think it is kind of superstition.

3.Do you believe in superstitions?
Yes, I do. Especially "mixing"
For example, "If we eat tempura and watermelons at the same time, we'll have our stomach hurt." It means "Don't eat oily foods and water at the same time."
I really believe, because I have experienced....haha

14 件のコメント:

  1. Hello:)
    I agree with you about 2!!
    Japanese people care about blood types superstition too much!

  2. About No.1, I think so,too.
    I do not want to think that eating tempra and water melon at the same time...

  3. Hi, berry. I agree with you in no.2. Bllod type gets too big meanings to everyone. And about no.3, your belief in supestitions are kind of cute and realistic.

    Japanese people really stick to blood types.
    But, I think it is very interesting!!

    ---SWEET CANDY---
    I think so, too.
    I don't want to eat tempra and watermelons at the same time regardless of the mixing...haha

    Did you read 血液型説明書?haha
    Be careful about tempura and watermelons!!!

  5. heeeeey berry :)
    I have never heard about "don't eat tenpura and water melon together"!! but your explanation makes sense!!
    I will take care it from now on..haha

  6. hi!!
    i didn't know that we shouldn't eat tenpura and watermelon! did you try? ohhh... i will never do that. thaks for telling me!lol

  7. THANK YOU blackcherry & chiken!!
    I haven't actually eaten tempura and watermelons, but I eat oily foods and water togeter...then I had stomachache!!
    BE CAREFUL!!!!!!haha

  8. Hi BERRY,
    I was surprised that putting jam on rice!!
    It's like ricepudding!?!?
    And I want to decolate a tree with cookkies :)

  9. Hi,BERRY.
    I agree with No.2 question.
    I think especially young people say about blood types. I don't know why Japanese change attitude by blood types... I think always why about them..

  10. Hello!
    I am also surprised about ornaments for Christmas trees. That's sound great they decorate foods on Christmas trees. I want to try to decorate foods on Christmas trees, too.

  11. Hi!
    I have heard the superstition your third answer. But I don't know the meaning.
    I understand it. Thank you^^

  12. Hello.
    I agree with No,1.
    I think so too.

  13. Hello,BERRY^^
    I agree with your idea No2.
    Jaoanese people(especialy young people)too worry about blood type.
    I don't know tempura and water melon is good mixing!
    This is good learn for me!!

  14. Hi.
    Some Japanese believe superstitions about 'blood types'
    I didn't come up with it.
    It's good explain.
