
Death and Funerals 2

1.Death and Funerals
(a) Yes, I have some international friends.
If their familly member died…
I never treat them brightly and try to keep calm.
Because it's very sad, but we have to accept their death...

(b) No, I haven't.
I have ever been to only one time even a Japanese funerals.

2.The language of Clothes
(a) Most people may unconcerned about what thir clothes are written in, I think.
It may only just a DESIGN like painting, photo and so on...

(b) I think it means, for example, "if a boy is soooo cool, he may be egocentric, bad manners and so on." We don't have to judge by just appearance.
But, I think superficial things are conected to inner things.

8 件のコメント:

  1. Haha, I enjoy your interpretation of "don't judge a book by it's cover." ^^ Yes, it means don't only look at what's on the surface, think about what's inside too, so be careful of those egocentric boys. Mm, I'm curious how superficial things might be connected to inner things, though. Maybe if someone takes care of their appearance, it shows that they take care with their personality too?

  2. Thank you very much Akai☆”
    Yes, I think so too!!!
    Our appearance may be deeply connected to our personality too.

    I know an interesting TV drama "Real Clothes"♪ (Tuesday 22:00~ TSS)
    In this drama, an woman says "appearance is all", but another woman disagree with that opinion. It's so interesting!!!

  3. Hello~
    I think that I would not like to go to funerals many times.

  4. Thank you SWEET CANDY♪”
    Yes!! Death is inevitable, but it's so sad...

  5. Your example in 2-b is very interesting! Yes, it is very dangerous to think about other people just with appearence :)

  6. THANK YOU lohengrin♪”
    I sometimes judge people on the first impresstion.
    So, I have to be very carefull!!haha

  7. Hello.
    your opinion is very intresting.

  8. IHello,
    I agree with you, and I just make a point of desgin when I buy some clothes.
